# Jumpstarter Service To manage your Jumpstarter lab from Kubernetes, the Jumpstarter Service must be installed in your Kubernetes cluster. ## Prerequisites ```{tip} See the documentation on [setting up a local cluster](./local-cluster.md) if you want to install the Controller on your local machine. ``` - A [Kubernetes cluster](https://www.downloadkubernetes.com/) - [Kubectl](https://www.downloadkubernetes.com/) - [Helm](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/) ## Installation To install the Jumpstarter Service on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm run: ```bash $ helm install oci://quay.io/jumpstarter-dev/helm/jumpstarter --create-namespace \ --namespace jumpstarter-lab \ --set global.baseDomain= \ --set jumpstarter-controller.grpc.route.enabled=true \ --set jumpstarter-controller.grpc.tls.enabled=true ``` ```{note} Please replace `` with the hostname you would like to use for your Jumpstarter endpoint. - If you're using kind, you can use the [`extraPortMapping`](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/ingress/#create-cluster) config option to map the Jumpstarter ingress to `localhost`. - If you're using minikube, you can [add an entry to `/etc/hosts`](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/ingress-minikube/#test-your-ingress) so you can resolve the hostname assigned to Jumpstarter. ```