# OpenShift (Helm) ```{tip} Please note that `global.baseDomain` is used to create the host names for the services, with the provided example the services will be available at grpc.jumpstarter.example.com and router.jumpstarter.example.com. ```` ```{note} Please note that you will need administrator access to the cluster to install the Jumpstarter Service, this is because the install process will install some CRDs and ClusterRoles. ``` To install using helm: ```{code-block} bash :substitutions: helm upgrade jumpstarter --install oci://quay.io/jumpstarter-dev/helm/jumpstarter \ --create-namespace --namespace jumpstarter-lab \ --set global.baseDomain=jumpstarter.example.com \ --set global.metrics.enabled=true \ --set jumpstarter-controller.grpc.mode=route \ --version={{controller_version}} ```