Driver API Reference


This project is still evolving, so these docs may be incomplete or out-of-date.


class jumpstarter.driver.Driver(*, uuid: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, labels: dict[str, str] = <factory>, children: dict[str, Driver] = <factory>, log_level: str = 'INFO')

Base class for drivers

Drivers should at the minimum implement the client method.

Regular or streaming driver calls can be marked with the export decorator. Raw stream constructors can be marked with the exportstream decorator.

abstract classmethod client() str

Return full import path of the corresponding driver client class

resources: dict[UUID, Any]

Dict of client side resources


Decorator for exporting method as driver call


Decorator for exporting method as stream

Driver Client

class jumpstarter.client.DriverClient(*, uuid: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, labels: dict[str, str] = <factory>, channel: ~grpc.aio._base_channel.Channel, log_level: str = 'INFO', children: dict[str, DriverClient] = <factory>, portal: BlockingPortal)

Base class for driver clients

Client methods can be implemented as regular functions, and call the call or streamingcall helpers internally to invoke exported methods on the driver.

Additional client functionalities such as raw stream connections or sharing client-side resources can be added by inheriting mixin classes under jumpstarter.drivers.mixins

call(method, *args)

Invoke driver call

  • method (str) – method name of driver call

  • args (list[Any]) – arguments for driver call


driver call result

Return type:



Close the open stream session without a context manager.

open_stream() BlockingStream

Open a blocking stream session without a context manager.


blocking stream session object.

Return type:



Open a blocking stream session with a context manager.


method (str) – method name of streaming driver call


blocking stream session object context manager.

streamingcall(method, *args)

Invoke streaming driver call

  • method (str) – method name of streaming driver call

  • args (list[Any]) – arguments for streaming driver call


streaming driver call result

Return type:

Generator[Any, None, None]


from sys import modules
from types import SimpleNamespace
from anyio import connect_tcp, sleep
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from import Generator
from jumpstarter.driver import Driver, export, exportstream
from jumpstarter.client import DriverClient
from jumpstarter.common.utils import serve

class ExampleDriver(Driver):
    def client(cls) -> str:
        return f"example.ExampleClient"

    def echo(self, message) -> str:
        return message

    # driver calls can be either sync or async
    async def echo_async(self, message) -> str:
        await sleep(5)
        return message

    def echo_generator(self, message) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
        for _ in range(10):
            yield message

    # stream constructor has to be an AsyncContextManager
    # that yield an
    async def connect_tcp(self):
        async with await connect_tcp(remote_host="", remote_port=80) as stream:
            yield stream

class ExampleClient(DriverClient):
    # client methods are sync
    def echo(self, message) -> str:
        return"echo", message)
        # async driver methods can be invoked the same way
        # return"echo_async", message)

    def echo_generator(self, message) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
        yield from self.streamingcall("echo_generator", message)

modules["example"] = SimpleNamespace(ExampleClient=ExampleClient)

with serve(ExampleDriver()) as client:
    assert list(client.echo_generator("hello")) == ["hello"] * 10