CAN driver¶
The CAN driver is a driver for using CAN bus connections.
- class jumpstarter_driver_can.client.CanClient¶
A generic CAN client for sending/recieving traffic to/from an exported CAN bus.
- property channel_info: str¶
Get the CAN channel info.
- flush_tx_buffer() None ¶
Flush the transmission buffer.
- property protocol: CanProtocol¶
Get the CAN protocol supported by the bus.
- send(msg: Message, timeout: float | None = None) None ¶
Send an individual CAN message.
- shutdown() None ¶
Shutdown the bus.
- property state: BusState¶
The current state of the CAN bus.
- class jumpstarter_driver_can.client.IsoTpClient¶
An ISO-TP CAN client for sending/recieving ISO-TP frames to/from an exported CAN bus.
- available() bool ¶
Returns True if an ISO-TP frame is awaiting in the reception queue, False otherwise.
- recv(block: bool = False, timeout: float | None = None) bytes | None ¶
Dequeue an ISO-TP frame from the reception queue if available.
- send(data: bytes, target_address_type: int | None = None, send_timeout: float | None = None) None ¶
Enqueue an ISO-TP frame to send over the CAN network.
- set_address(address: Address | AsymmetricAddress) None ¶
Sets the layer address. Can be set after initialization if needed. May cause a timeout if called while a transmission is active.
- start() None ¶
Start listening for messages.
- stop() None ¶
Stop listening for messages.
- stop_receiving() None ¶
Stop receiving messages.
- stop_sending() None ¶
Stop sending messages.
- transmitting() bool ¶
Returns True if an ISO-TP frame is being transmitted, False otherwise.