
To enable access to your target device, Jumpstarter uses a component called the exporter, which runs on a host system connected directly to your hardware. We call it an exporter because it “exports” the interfaces connected to the target.


Typically, the exporter will run on a low-power host systems such as a Raspberry Pi or mini PC with sufficient interfaces to connect to your hardware. If the host has sufficient interfaces, it may be connected to multiple targets, however, each target requires its own exporter instance.

block-beta block:host exporter end space target["Target Device"] exporter-->target


Exporters use modules called drivers, which define how to interact with a specific interface (e.g. USB, Serial, CAN, etc.). Each driver provides a method to interact with and/or tunnel an interface connected to the target.

block-beta block:host columns 1 exporter block:drivers usb["USB"] serial["Serial"] can["CAN"] etc["etc."] end end space target["Target Device"] host-->target

While Jumpstarter comes with drivers for many basic interfaces, custom drivers can also be developed for specialized hardware/interfaces or to provide domain-specific abstractions for your use case.


Multiple drivers can be combined to create a harness module with additional device-specific functionality for your use case. For example, you may want to develop a harness module that provides methods that simulate the physical wiring harness your device will use in production.