Local cluster with kind

If you want to play with the Jumpstarter Controller on your local machine, we recommend running a local Kubernetes cluster.


We do not recommend a local cluster for a production environment. Please use a full Kubernetes installation either on-prem or in the cloud.

Kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Podman or Docker container “nodes”.


We recommend using minikube if you cannot easily use Kind in your local environment (e.g. need to use untrusted root certificates).

You can find more information on the kind website.


Create a kind cluster

First, create a kind cluster config that enables the use of nodeports to host the Jumpstarter services.

# kind_config.yaml
kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
- |
  kind: ClusterConfiguration
      "service-node-port-range": "3000-32767"
- |
  kind: InitConfiguration
      node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
- role: control-plane
  - containerPort: 80 # ingress controller
    hostPort: 5080
    protocol: TCP
  - containerPort: 30010 # grpc nodeport
    hostPort: 8082
    protocol: TCP
  - containerPort: 30011 # grpc router nodeport
    hostPort: 8083
    protocol: TCP
  - containerPort: 443 # minimalistic UI
    hostPort: 5443
    protocol: TCP

Next, create a kind cluster using the config you created.

kind create cluster  --config kind_config.yaml

Install Jumpstarter with the CLI

To simplify the installation in your Kubernetes cluster, the Jumpstarter CLI provides the jmp admin install command to automatically run Helm with the correct arguments.


If you do not have Helm installed, please install the latest release.

# Install Jumpstarter with default options
$ jmp admin install

# Options provided by the Jumpstarter CLI
$ jmp admin install --help
Usage: jmp admin install [OPTIONS]

  Install the Jumpstarter service in a Kubernetes cluster

  --helm TEXT                 Path or name of a helm executable
  --name TEXT                 The name of the chart installation
  -c, --chart TEXT            The URL of a Jumpstarter helm chart to install
  -n, --namespace TEXT        Namespace to install Jumpstarter components in
  -i, --ip TEXT               IP address of your host machine
  -b, --basedomain TEXT       Base domain of the Jumpstarter service
  -g, --grpc-endpoint TEXT    The gRPC endpoint to use for the Jumpstarter API
  -r, --router-endpoint TEXT  The gRPC endpoint to use for the router
  --nodeport                  Use Nodeport routing (recommended)
  --ingress                   Use a Kubernetes ingress
  --route                     Use an OpenShift route
  -v, --version TEXT          The version of the service to install
  --kubeconfig FILENAME       path to the kubeconfig file
  --context TEXT              Kubernetes context to use
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

Install Jumpstarter with Helm

If you prefer to manually install with Helm, the following command should work.

# Get the IP address of your computer
# On Linux you can run: ip route get | grep -oP 'src \K\S+'
export IP="X.X.X.X"
# Setup the base domain and endpoints with nip.io
export BASEDOMAIN="jumpstarter.${IP}.nip.io"
export GRPC_ENDPOINT="grpc.${BASEDOMAIN}:8082"

# Install the Jumpstarter service in the namespace jumpstarter-lab with Helm
helm upgrade jumpstarter --install oci://quay.io/jumpstarter-dev/helm/jumpstarter \
            --create-namespace --namespace jumpstarter-lab \
            --set global.baseDomain=${BASEDOMAIN} \
            --set jumpstarter-controller.grpc.endpoint=${GRPC_ENDPOINT} \
            --set jumpstarter-controller.grpc.routerEndpoint=${GRPC_ROUTER_ENDPOINT} \
            --set global.metrics.enabled=false \
            --set jumpstarter-controller.grpc.nodeport.enabled=true \
            --set jumpstarter-controller.grpc.mode=nodeport \