Python Packages

The Jumpstarter Python packages contain all the necessary tools to run an exporter or interact with your hardware as a client.

This package includes:

  • A client library.

  • The client CLI tool.

  • An exporter runtime and built-in drivers.

The Python package can be installed using pip or similar, Python >=3.11 is required.:

$ pip3 install --extra-index-url \
        jumpstarter jumpstarter-driver-ustreamer jumpstarter-driver-can jumpstarter-driver-sdwire \
        jumpstarter-driver-dutlink jumpstarter-driver-raspberrypi \


This will install the jumpstarter packages globally, when using Jumpstarter as a library, it is recommended to install the package in a virtual environment instead. i.e.

$ python3 -m venv ~/.venv/jumpstarter

$ source ~/.venv/jumpstarter/bin/activate

$ pip3 install ….

An alternative to installing the packages is to use the container package.