
To interact with your target device from a development machine or an automated CI pipeline, Jumpstarter uses a client. The client can be used either as a library through a testing tool such as pytest or through the Jumpstarter CLI.

block-beta client space block:host exporter end space target["Target"] client-->host exporter-->target

Local Client

When testing with hardware physically connected to your local machine or developing new drivers, it is recommended to use the local Jumpstarter client. This client be automatically used along with a transient exporter instance when using the Jumpstarter Shell.

Remote Clients

When connecting to hardware that is not physically connected to your local machine, requests must be passed through a proxy server. Remote clients must be configured with an endpoint and authentication token so they can communicate with the server. To learn more about managing clients, see Manage Clients.

We will discuss how remote clients connect to exporters in the next section on the Jumpstarter Service.