

This project is still evolving, so these docs may be incomplete or out-of-date.

Jumpstarter can be configured as either a client, an exporter, or both depending on your use case and deployment strategy.

By default, a local client and exporter session are automatically initialized when running test scripts through jmp start or the jmp shell commands. This allows for easy testing of new drivers, client libraries, or verifying that tests work on your local bench.

When interacting with remote exporters in a CLI or CI environment, multiple clients can be configured on the same system and used to interact with different devices and different exporter instances.

Similarly, multiple exporters can be configured on a single host system to interact with many different devices. However, each exporter instance is independent, making it possible to stop, restart, and add new exporters while others are executing tests.

User Configuration

Jumpstarter stores user-specific configs in the ~/.config/jumpstarter directory within the user’s home folder.

The user config file defines the current client config and any user-specific configurations for jmp CLI tool.

# ~/.config/jumpstarter/config.yaml

kind: UserConfig
  current-client: ./clients/myclient.yaml

System Configuration

Jumpstarter stores system configs in the /etc/jumpstarter directory. This configuration directory is primarily used by the exporters as they often run as daemon services on the host system.

The system config file defines the current exporter config and any system-level configurations for the exporters.

# /etc/jumpstarter/config.yaml

kind: SystemConfig
  current-exporter: ./exporters/myexporter/exporter.yaml


Client configurations are stored in the Jumpstarter user configuration directory ~/.config/jumpstarter/clients. Each client config is a YAML file that contains the client name, access token, and any configuration parameters.

Client Config

# ~/.config/jumpstarter/clients/myclient.yaml

kind: Client
  endpoint: "grpcs://"
  token: "dGhpc2lzYXRva2VuLTEyMzQxMjM0MTIzNEyMzQtc2Rxd3Jxd2VycXdlcnF3ZXJxd2VyLTEyMzQxMjM0MTIz"
    # Wildcards are supported
    allow: ["jumpstarter.drivers.*", "vendorpackage.*"]
  • endpoint - The gRPC endpoint of the Jumpstarter controller server.

  • token - A client auth token generated by the controller.

  • drivers - Driver client library configuration.

    • allow - A list of allowed driver namespaces to automatically load.

    • unsafe: true - Should all drivers be allowed to load?

Multiple Clients

Multiple client configs can be added to the ~/.config/jumpstarter/clients directory manually or by using the Jumpstarter CLI.

Similar to kubectl, Jumpstarter allows you to switch between different client configurations using the CLI tool. A default client is automatically configured when installing the Jumpstarter Helm chart with jmp install.

Client CLI Commands

To create a new client, the jmp client create <name> command can be used. When kubectl is installed and the current context contains a Jumpstarter controller instance, client tokens will be automatically generated using the controller endpoint.

$ jmp client create myclient
Using kubectl context 'my-cluster'
Generating client auth token
Created client config '/home/jdoe/.config/jumpstarter/clients/myclient.yaml'

To switch between different client configs, use the jmp client use <name> command:

$ jmp client use another
Using client config '/home/jdoe/.config/jumpstarter/clients/another.yaml'

All client configurations can be listed with jmp client list:

$ jmp client list
CURRENT   NAME       ENDPOINT                               PATH
*         default    grpcs://   /home/jdoe/.config/jumpstarter/clients/default.yaml
          myclient   grpcs://   /home/jdoe/.config/jumpstarter/clients/myclient.yaml
          another    grpcs://   /home/jdoe/.config/jumpstarter/clients/another.yaml

Clients can also be removed using jmp client delete <name>:

$ jmp client delete myclient
Deleted client config '/home/jdoe/.config/jumpstarter/clients/myclient.yaml'

Client Environment Variables

The client configuration may also be provided by environment variables which may be useful in CI or when writing a script that uses Jumpstarter.

  • JMP_CLIENT_CONFIG - A path to a client configuration YAML file to use.

  • JMP_CLIENT - The name of a registered client config to use.

  • JMP_ENDPOINT - The gRPC endpoint of the Jumpstarter controller server (overrides the config value).

  • JMP_TOKEN - A client auth token generated by the controller (overrides the config value).

  • JMP_DRIVERS_ALLOW - A comma-separated list of allowed driver namespaces to automatically load. Can be set to UNSAFE to allow unsafe loading of drivers.


Exporter configurations are by default stored globally in the Jumpstarter config directory /etc/jumpstarter/exporters. Each exporter config is a YAML file and optionally a Python script to initialize the exporter and its associated drivers.

Exporter Config

Exporters can be configured using a pure-YAML format, which allows for the configuration of built-in drivers and any additional driver packages registered by the user.

# /etc/jumpstarter/exporters/myexporter.yaml

kind: Exporter
endpoint: "grpcs://"
token: "dGhpc2lzYXRva2VuLTEyMzQxMjM0MTIzNEyMzQtc2Rxd3Jxd2VycXdlcnF3ZXJxd2VyLTEyMzQxMjM0MTIz"
    type: "jumpstarter.drivers.power.PduPower"
      host: ""
      port: 1234
      username: "admin"
      password: "secret"
    type: "jumpstarter.drivers.serial.Pyserial"
      port: "/dev/ttyUSB0"
      baudrate: 115200
    type: "vendorpackage.CustomDriver"
      hello: "world"
  • endpoint - The gRPC endpoint of the Jumpstarter controller server.

  • token - An exporter auth token generated by the controller.

  • export - Exporter driver configuration.

Exporter CLI Commands

To create a new exporter, the jmp exporter create <name> command can be used. When kubectl is installed and the current context contains a Jumpstarter controller instance, exporter tokens will be automatically generated using the controller endpoint. By default, a basic YAML config will be generated.

$ jmp exporter create myexporter
Using kubectl context 'my-cluster'
Generating exporter auth token
Created exporter config '/etc/jumpstarter/exporters/myexporter.yaml'

To switch between different exporter configs, use the jmp exporter use <name> command:

$ jmp exporter use another
Using exporter config '/etc/jumpstarter/exporters/another/exporter.yaml'

To use a specific config when starting the exporter:

$ jmp exporter start another
Using exporter config '/etc/jumpstarter/exporters/another/exporter.yaml'

The path to a config can also be provided:

jmp exporter start --config /etc/jumpstarter/exporters/another/exporter.yaml

All exporter configurations can be listed with jmp exporter list:

$ jmp exporter list
CURRENT   NAME         ENDPOINT                               PATH                                           SCRIPT
*         default      grpcs://   /etc/jumpstarter/exporters/default.yaml            N/A
          myexporter   grpcs://   /etc/jumpstarter/exporters/myexporter.yaml         N/A
          another      grpcs://   /etc/jumpstarter/exporters/another/exporter.yaml   /etc/jumpstarter/exporters/another/

Clients can also be removed using jmp client delete <name>:

$ jmp client delete myexporter
Deleted exporter config '/etc/jumpstarter/exporters/myexporter.yaml'

Exporter Environment Variables

The exporter configuration may also be provided by environment variables which may be useful in CI or when writing a script that uses Jumpstarter.

  • JMP_EXPORTER_CONFIG - A path to a exporter configuration YAML file to use.

  • JMP_EXPORTER - The name of a registered exporter config to use.

  • JMP_ENDPOINT - The gRPC endpoint of the Jumpstarter controller server (overrides the config value).

  • JMP_TOKEN - An exporter auth token generated by the controller (overrides the config value).

  • JMP_DRIVERS - A comma-separated list of allowed driver namespaces to automatically load (overrides the config value).